CRITICAL READING BOOK Student’s Book For Critical Reading Class
CRITICAL READING BOOK, Student’s Book For Critical Reading ClassAbstract
Information era causes major changes, especially in the field of education. One of the obvious examples is the changing shift in the teaching of reading. In the past, learning to read focused on understanding the content of a passage and the systematics stages of mapping the ideas or information in the passage. Today, teaching to read no longer teaching language skills discretely or training students’ communicative abilities. This activity aims to equip students with critical literacy skills so that they can handle all information from both print and online media well. For those reasons, reading activities in classroom focus on analysing the social and political interests, author’s ideology, hidden agenda and purposes of writing a text.
Student’s Book was developed as the reading activities used in the critical reading class. It consists of eight units, each of which is completed with reading texts with different interesting topics such as the environmental problems, violence at schools, and racial discrimination. To help students develop their critical literacy skills, each reading passage is followed by critical literacy skill exercises which encompass identifying implied main idea, differentiating facts and opinions, analysing causes and effects, making inferences, analysing author’s purposes, tone, bias, and stereotypes. Fruitful suggestions from lecturers, practitioners, and readers are needed for the further development of this Student Book.