Meningkatkan Kreativitas Siswa terhadap Materi Tantangan dan Peluang dalam Membangun Keluarga Harmonis dengan Model Problem Based Learning Berbantuan Media Canva di Kelas XII SMA Xaverius 1 Palembang
Creativity, Problem Based Learning, CanvaAbstract
Today's education not only emphasizes mastery of academic material, but also the development of creativity and critical thinking skills. In the context of high school education, especially for class XII students who are in Phase F, it is important for them to understand the challenges and opportunities in building a harmonious family. To understand and master the material, creativity is needed in learning. It must be admitted that most teachers use only one or two methods in learning, so that students are not interested and tend to play alone/chat with friends (noisy in class). The Problem Based Learning model can encourage students to think critically, creatively and collaboratively in solving the problems they face. In the context of learning about the challenges and opportunities in building a harmonious family, PBL can be a very effective method because students are invited to be directly involved in the learning process through discussion, analysis and solving real problems that are relevant to the topic. To increase the effectiveness of PBL, support from interesting and interactive learning media is needed, one of which is Canva. By combining the PBL method and Canva media, it is hoped that more interesting, interactive and effective learning can be created, so that students can increase their creativity and understanding of the challenges and opportunities in building a harmonious family.
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