Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Pendidikan Agama Katolik dan Budi Pekerti Menggunakan Model Problem Based Learning Berbantuan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik Materi Peran Kaum Awam dalam Gereja Katolik Kelas XI C SMA Stella Duce 2 Yogyakarta
Problem Based Learning, Learning Outcomes, Student WorksheetsAbstract
This study aims to figure out the improvement of learning outcomes of Catholic Religious and Character Education of class XI SMA Stella Duce 2 Yogyakarta using the Problem Based Learning model assisted by Student Worksheets. The achievement of learning outcome indicators in the affective assessment of the Pancasila Student Profile, with the Critical Reasoning dimension and elements of obtaining and processing information and ideas in cycles I and II showed an increase where in cycle I the average value was 73%, increasing in cycle II by 84%. The implementation of the Problem Based Learning model assisted by Student Worksheets can improve learning outcomes cognitively which can be seen from the results of the final summative assessment of learning cycles I and II which showed an increase where in cycle I the average value was 74%, increasing in cycle II by 82%. The results of the study indicate that the implementation of the Problem Based Learning model assisted by Student Worksheets supports students to learn critically and systematically to improve learning outcomes.
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