Upaya Peningkatan Hasil Belajar PAK dengan Metode PBL Berbantuan Youtube Di SMA Xaverius 1 Palembang
Dimensions of Critical Reasoning, Learning Achievement, YouTube Assisted PBLAbstract
Religion plays a very important role in human life, so it is necessary to have religious education in order to become a human being who has faith and devotion to God Almighty, has noble character and develops spiritual potential. School is the second place where students develop in their faith through Catholic religious education lessons. However, at SMA Xaverius 1 Palembang they are less interested in participating in PAK lessons, because they are more concerned with other subjects and view PAK lessons as unimportant lessons. For those who are important, complete grades are important, so that they do not understand the content of the material presented. In this research, learning is offered using the problem based learning method assisted by YouTube. Where in learning groups are formed and problems/cases that exist in society are presented. Students are invited to reason critically in solving existing problems. The aim is to create a sense of interest in learning, achieve satisfactory learning outcomes, increase awareness of what occurs in the surrounding environment and increase respect for human life, both oneself and others, in everyday life. This research was carried out as classroom action research, carried out at SMA Xaverius 1 Palembang in class XII IPS 3 on the material "Building a Dignified Life". The variables of this research are critical reasoning and learning achievement using the PBL method. For the critical reasoning variable, data was taken through observation sheets, while for the learning achievement variable data was taken from the post test results. The results of the research, after going through 2 cycles in which reflection was carried out. Here on average we can see an increase in students, the critical reasoning variable from 85.42% to 91.25% with an increase of 5.83% while the learning achievement variable from 82.43% to 88.90% with an increase of 6.47 %. The increase that occurred shows improvements in Catholic religious education and character education lessons with material on building a dignified life using the PBL method assisted by YouTube. In this way, students can learn to reason critically and get the expected results.
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