The Role of KKN Students in the Era of Digitalization of Education in Gabanganom Wetan Village


  • Muhammad Syifa’ Nuqoba Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang
  • Tasya Kurnia Yulia Putri Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang
  • Alfiani Anditasari Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang
  • Muhammad Zaki Adnan Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang
  • Nova Riyanti Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang
  • Eni Faujiyah Mailani Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang
  • Syarifatul Aulia Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang
  • Aghina Ragil Sugesta Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang
  • Sulistio Sulistio Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang



Role, Students, Digitalization, Education


In digitalization, education is a crucial element in developing individual potential and intelligence. To carry out education effectively in the era of digitalization, teaching staff are needed who can teach in formal and non-formal contexts, of course with their competencies. Our Real Work Lectures (KKN) are held in Gebanganom Wetan Village, Kangkung District, with the main aim of providing community service and supporting the improvement of children's education in the village. Even though the enthusiasm and passion for learning among children in Gebanganom Wetan Village is very high, the shortage of teaching staff is a major obstacle to achieving maximum education. This article is entitled "The Role of KKN Students in the Era of Digitalization of Education in Gebanganom Wetan Village." This research uses the Participatory Action Research (PAR) method and carries out field observations to identify potential and problems in the village. The results of KKN activities provide an illustration of the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of children and the community for education in the era of digitalization from the role of students as teaching staff in supporting education in Gebanganom Wetan Village through various formal and non-formal education activities carried out by KKN Group 124


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How to Cite

Muhammad Syifa’ Nuqoba, Tasya Kurnia Yulia Putri, Alfiani Anditasari, Muhammad Zaki Adnan, Nova Riyanti, Eni Faujiyah Mailani, … Sulistio Sulistio. (2024). The Role of KKN Students in the Era of Digitalization of Education in Gabanganom Wetan Village. PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL PENDIDIKAN, BAHASA, SASTRA, SENI, DAN BUDAYA, 3(1), 240–246.