Peningkatan Kemampuan Kolaborasi Pembelajaran PAK BP Metode PBL Berbantuan Video Kelas VII SMP Negeri 3 Juhar Tahun 2024/2025.
problem-based learning, collaboration, VidioAbstract
Collaboration Ability is one of the skills of the 21st Century which is believed to have an influence on learning success, but often this skill is simply missed in learning This research aims to increase student collaboration in Catholic Religious Education subjects in grade VII-1 SMP NEGERI 3 Juhar by using the Problem Based Learning learning model. This research is a Classroom Action Research that aims to overcome problems in the classroom. The subject of the study is students in grades VII-1 of SMP NEGERI 3 Juhar who are Catholic for the 2023/2024 school year, totaling 8 students. The research is carried out in two cycles and at the end of each cycle is reflected on the actions given. The data collection technique in the study uses observation sheets, and documentation. The results of the study show that the implementation of learning using the video-assisted Problem Based Learning learning model in Catholic Religious Education subjects can improve students' collaboration skills. This is shown from the results of the percentage of completeness which was initially only 41.7% with the proficient category in the first cycle to 58.3% with the advanced category in the second cycle.
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