Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar PAK Dengan Metode Problem Based Learning Fase C Kelas 6 SDN 13 Nyayum


  • Leo Agung SD Negeri 13 Nyayum
  • Gregorius Gregorius STPKat St. Fransiskus Asisi Semarang
  • Catharina Aprita Krisna Murti STPKat St. Fransiskus Asisi Semarang



Problem Based Learning, Learning Outcomes, Catholic Religious Education


This study discusses the improvement of learning outcomes of Catholic Religious Education (PAK) and students by using the Problem Based Learning method at SD Negeri 13 Nyayum, Landak Regency. The research subjects were grade VI students with a total of 16 students. The subject matter used was “I am a citizen of the world”. For data collection methods researchers use observation, assessment, and tests. The aspects of learning outcomes in this study are affective, cognitive, and psychomotor. Before the implementation of the study, the percentage of completeness or achievement of PAK learning outcomes was so low, namely 32% with KKTP 75. After research in cycle I, the completeness of learning outcomes increased to 81.25% with proficient criteria for 8 students, proficient for 5 students, and 3 students who were not complete with proficient criteria. Then at the end of cycle II the completeness increased to 100% with 88% proficient criteria (14 learners) and 12% proficient criteria (2 learners). From the data on the results of research in activities, it can be concluded that the Problem Based Learning Method succeeded in improving the learning outcomes of Catholic Religious Education and Grade VI students of SD Negeri 13 Nyayum.


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How to Cite

Leo Agung, Gregorius Gregorius, & Catharina Aprita Krisna Murti. (2024). Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar PAK Dengan Metode Problem Based Learning Fase C Kelas 6 SDN 13 Nyayum. PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL PENDIDIKAN DAN AGAMA, 5(2), 3619–3632.

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