Dampak Lidah Yang Tidak Terkendali Dalam Hubungan Sosial Perspektif: Yakobus Dan Relevansinya Dalam Masyarakat Kontemporer


  • Rini Ndraha SETIA Jakarta
  • Abad Jaya Zega Sekolah Tinggi Theologi Injili Arastamar (SETIA) Jakarta




sins of the tongue, James


The tongue is sharper than a sword, meaning that whatever comes out of a person's mouth will definitely have the effect of killing someone physically, mentally and spiritually. Therefore, as a human being, you must be careful not to harm yourself or others. Even though The tongue physically feels soft because it has no bones, but if the tongue's ability to speak is not used wisely, the tongue becomes sharper than a sword. The tongue is able to cut and tear hearts without harming anyone's body. The tongue is sharper than a sword, which means we have to be careful in every word we say so as not to harm ourselves. The sin of the tongue is a sin that comes out of the mouth and is expressed in words that offend other people's feelings. Language is only a small part, but language can also detect a person's physical condition through speech like the one above. This means that someone can find out whether another person is an adult or not, all of this can be known through their words. With his tongue, man praises God's name, but with the same tongue, he curses creatures created in the image and likeness of God. It is in the same language that blessings and curses come (James 3: 1-12), where James emphasizes: "My brothers, this must not happen to you" (James 3: 1-12). James reminds Christians who are teachers to be careful in their words, because being a teacher is very difficult (James 3:-1). Christians must control their pronunciation, because they cannot avoid making mistakes in the words that come out of their mouths, because this can have positive and negative impacts. The purpose of writing is to try to find answers to important research. The purpose of writing this thesis is first of all to help readers understand how to use language through appropriate words.


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How to Cite

Rini Ndraha, & Abad Jaya Zega. (2023). Dampak Lidah Yang Tidak Terkendali Dalam Hubungan Sosial Perspektif: Yakobus Dan Relevansinya Dalam Masyarakat Kontemporer. PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL PENDIDIKAN DAN AGAMA, 4(2), 201–208. https://doi.org/10.55606/semnaspa.v4i2.1292